Two years ago we started what we hope will continue as a long-standing tradition here in the northland: a preaching meeting geared for the men of like-minded independent Baptist churches in the region. It’s like a retreat just for men, but of course, real men don’t retreat…they advance! Basic Information Dates: Men’s Advance 2019 will […]
Articles posted by Pastor
Men’s Advance 2018

Thank You!!! A big “thank you” to everyone who came and helped to make Men’s Advance a great success again this year. We trust that the preachings, singing, and fellowship were a blessing. We are actively working to secure a larger venue for next year’s meeting. The dates for that are Friday-Saturday, April 26-27. […]
5th Anniversary

Recently, Northwoods Baptist Church celebrated 5 years of ministry in the Bemidji area. In 2012, Northwoods Baptist Church held its first service in the community room of Beltrami Electric Cooperative. That location was home until the Lord allowed us to purchase our own building in downtown Bemidji in May of 2015. Since then, Northwoods Baptist has […]
Men’s Advance 2017

Recently we were able to host our very first annual Men’s Advance. It’s like a retreat for men, but of course, real men don’t retreat – they advance! Below are the links to all the messages. If you would like to view the full videos, please visit our YouTube channel here. 1. “Standing […]
What is a Baptist?

Most people have heard of and seen a Baptist church. However, here in the northland, we are definitely in the minority. Many who have grown up in and around more traditional Christian denominations might wonder what we’re all about. It’s easy to form an understanding about a certain group that isn’t entirely accurate. I know that […]
Missions Conference
Northwoods Baptist Church recently hosted its first Missions Conference. We had missionaries involved who have been called to minister both near in far – from Nebraska, to the Philippines, to other Restricted Access Nations. Even as a small church, we pledged together to give nearly $10,000 to the cause of world missions over the coming […]
First Time? What You Can Expect

Visiting a church for the very first time can be a bit nerve racking. “Where do I go? What do we wear? What will the services be like? Is there anything for the kids?” All of these questions are normal. Well, we want to put you at ease. Your first visit at Northwoods Baptist will […]
Walking Together
This year our theme at Northwoods Baptist Church is “Walking Together.” It is based on Amos 3:3, “Can two walk together, except they be agreed?” Some churches have difficulty maintaining any unity because they have not determined the common beliefs that bind them together. Jesus prayed that His followers would have unity in John 17:21, […]
Baptist Distinctives, Church, Truth, Unity, Walking TogetherThe Big Question:
It can be said in several ways: “Why does Bemidji need another church? What does this new church plan to bring to the Bemidji area that is unique and special? What exactly is Northwoods Baptist Church?”…